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batman13 03-25-2007 11:56 PM

Went to work friday and when i looked at my truck, my drivers side headlight is sitting on the ground in front of my truck,
broke beyond repair, with a nice footprint on it. I don't need this crap.
It'll cost $200 to replace, money i didn't want to spend on my perfecly fine headlights.
On the bright side, at least i can get the smoked ones i want.

sorry, had to rant.

jonnymagnum 03-26-2007 12:03 AM

sorry to hear that, I hate when people do that to oher people vehicles. hopefully you can find who ever did it.

shrpshtr325 03-26-2007 01:37 AM

yea, and put ur foot through his head light, then up his a$$, oh an maybe even through the tail light for him, just a thought, do him one better:D, but thats just what i would do

User 03-26-2007 03:42 AM

i would take a picture of the foot print, and the damage and sue him.. and use his shoe as evidence. Or i would just walk up with a gold club and wack the b_tch in the head a couple of times...

this pisses me off anf its not even my truck, i HATE when people do **** like this.

I got my truck last 2006 sep. Every time i wash my truck i find new dents and scratches. Somone ran a key from my gas lid down to the end of my bed, its not deep though so i can buff it out, another one was a women in a small eclipse gets out and smashes my passager door in (btw this lady is about 250-270lbs in this small car) hits it hard enough to set off my alarm. My truck is sitting about 30 feet away from me so i turn off the truck and watch this dumb ass lady just act like nothing happened and walk away, as i go look at my door it has a little bitty dint where the bolding is on the 2gen dakotas, and some paint. I got the paint off and now there is justa dint, then... a 18wheeler (concrete truck) hits a small bump and sends about 30 small-large concrete balls at my window and truck.. i try to dodge them and not get hit.. 1 hit right behind my driver side mirror and ripped a hole all the way down the actuall metal of the truck..... i have about 2 other storys but you get the point. Less then 1 year of owning my truck and this stuff happens..

If on avg this happened each year, my truck in 2 years would probably need full body repair lol... people make me sick.

I know park sideways and take up 2 lanes anywhere i go, and i installed a viper alarm that pretty much tells me if anyone is mseesing with me truck so when it goes off i go outside and kick somones ass, im going to invent a shock alarm, you get 10 feet within my truck and you get a shock that will fry your nipples off.

wink2873 03-26-2007 04:10 AM

one time i watched some dumb woman in a brand new minivan open up her door and smash it in the side of mine, and she acted like nothing even happened. when she went into wal mart i smashed in her whole front quarter panel with my boot.

User 03-26-2007 04:33 AM


ORIGINAL: wink2873

one time i watched some dumb woman in a brand new minivan open up her door and smash it in the side of mine, and she acted like nothing even happened. when she went into wal mart i smashed in her whole front quarter panel with my boot.
lol... nice. :D

imnothot02 03-26-2007 10:24 AM

cant be as hilarious as the guy i saw at the bar Friday night take his girlfriends escort or whatever over a parking curb get high centered rip off the under skirting then jam in into reverse to rip off the mud flap and then get yanked outa the car...he said he wasn't drunk... ha!

shrpshtr325 03-26-2007 06:15 PM


ORIGINAL: User2006
I know park sideways and take up 2 lanes anywhere i go, and i installed a viper alarm that pretty much tells me if anyone is mseesing with me truck so when it goes off i go outside and kick somones ass, im going to invent a shock alarm, you get 10 feet within my truck and you get a shock that will fry your nipples off.
good idea , and when you get the alarm done let me know so that i can get it installed on mine, and let me know b4 you start selling it, or give me a good deal at least:D

02dakotakid 03-27-2007 03:11 PM

man i feel your pain. one day i was sitting in my truck before class and this lady comes flying into teh spot beside me and throws her door open, luckily she didnt hit the truck with that but she did however proceed to walk into the front of teh truck adn break off my bug shield. i was irate. not only did she look me in teh eyes...she had teh audacity to tell me it was my fault and say she wasnt gonna pay for it. so i called one of my buddies at the local pd and he came out. not only did she get a ticket for vandalism turns out she had a couple outstanding tickets too.

batman13 03-27-2007 07:35 PM

I find new dents and dings all the time.
they don't even happen at work where we drive equipment past all day.
It's great when I come out of the store and there's a cop and and irate jerk standing in front of my truck,
rumor had it that i "slammed into his rear bumper when i pulled into the spot"
I told him i didn't, i was in the store, and there was a different car in front of me when i parked,
After he argued with me for roughly a half hour, ( i didn't lose my cool )
He asked me
"how do you explain my smashed bumper and the paint from my car on yours?"
I just looked at him and said with a smile,
"I can't... but the surveillance cam might help"
the store had parking lot cams installed months before and i always park in view.:D
He got the tickets (3 total plus damages) and as he stormed off the cop asked if there was any actual damage to mine and i just brushed his paint off and said no

imnothot02 03-28-2007 12:15 AM

same her never seem to get any dents on the work truck...mine seems to dent itself i swear, and parking in two spots just pisses ppl off ull end up with more sh!t broken in time, i just park far away, worth the walk anyway..

shrpshtr325 03-28-2007 01:21 AM

/\ agreed, me too and the walk wont kill you, but it will keep your truck nice and thats the goal here, right???

imnothot02 03-28-2007 02:04 AM

i take my am or the jeep to the store, couldnt care less dont care realy what happens to them!

rhowe 03-28-2007 11:30 PM

sunday night some lady was driving up my street and went to grab something and smashed my whole left side. started at the back wheel and went all the up the front. she got it pretty good even put the rear wheel up into the fender.on the bright sidethis time my truck was hit by somebody who had insurance and she hit the side with all the door dings so i'll get those fixed for free.

jonnymagnum 03-28-2007 11:50 PM

well.............. I was driving the 99 dak outta the shop today and I clipped the door with the drivers rear fender flare[:@] theres a huge scratch on it. hopefully I can buff it out in the summer. atleast most of it.

User 03-29-2007 12:40 AM


ORIGINAL: 02dakotakid

man i feel your pain. one day i was sitting in my truck before class and this lady comes flying into teh spot beside me and throws her door open, luckily she didnt hit the truck with that but she did however proceed to walk into the front of teh truck adn break off my bug shield. i was irate. not only did she look me in teh eyes...she had teh audacity to tell me it was my fault and say she wasnt gonna pay for it. so i called one of my buddies at the local pd and he came out. not only did she get a ticket for vandalism turns out she had a couple outstanding tickets too.

ORIGINAL: batman13

I find new dents and dings all the time.
they don't even happen at work where we drive equipment past all day.
It's great when I come out of the store and there's a cop and and irate jerk standing in front of my truck,
rumor had it that i "slammed into his rear bumper when i pulled into the spot"
I told him i didn't, i was in the store, and there was a different car in front of me when i parked,
After he argued with me for roughly a half hour, ( i didn't lose my cool )
He asked me
"how do you explain my smashed bumper and the paint from my car on yours?"
I just looked at him and said with a smile,
"I can't... but the surveillance cam might help"
the store had parking lot cams installed months before and i always park in view.:D
He got the tickets (3 total plus damages) and as he stormed off the cop asked if there was any actual damage to mine and i just brushed his paint off and said no

I would like to point out that these people got OWNED!!!

I got a simular story but it wasn't with my car. Me and some friends where eating at Wendy's and some mexican backed up into some ones car, pretty badly, but the dude drove off and got on the highway. We where in a Delani (sp?) LS2 SUV but anyways... we cought up with him and flashed him down, he pulled off and we got out and said "do you know you just hit somones car" he was like "o really...i didnt even notice" we got sarcastic with him and said "so you didnt feel the big clash or hear the noise it made blah blah blah" and we told him he had to go back cuz we called the cops on him, when we got back he parked his truck ran inside wendys and i guess told a friend to go outside when the cops got there. When the cop arrived another dude came out and said that it was his car (the one that got hit) so the cop asked him for insurance and i.d, and guess what? The darn guy didnt have any, what a shame (it wasn't the guys car) we told the cop that the other guy was inside and the cop went and got him and questioned him, he tired to lie about it and say it was already there or some sh!t. We told the cop everything we saw, and told him the damage matches the hit. The guy got taken to jail for a hit and run and he was probably illegal as this guy to didnt have id or insurance.. what is it with all these people. The other guy was let off (the one that claimed the car tat got hit was his)

I hope that douche gets sent back to mexico. I dont mind the working true citizen people, but these illegals really piss me off. Im going to be border control one day and pick them off as they clim the fences like the old game of "duck hunt" on nintendo.

But ya that dude got owned to.. becuase of trustworthy americans like myself.

and sorry to get off topic but, that last sentence made me think of somthing. I was watching a show on t.v about some dude thats hired to brack into peoples **** in daylight and in public, just to see what surrounding people would do, and they showed him busting a window out in a car and people about 5 feet away from him walking down the street in a busy city and they just looked over and kept walking. Didnt even call the cops or anything.

he did a bunch of other stuff to but i cant remember any atm. but they came otu with stats like 1 out of every 30 people will call the cops if they see somthing suspicious, and if 3 out of 90 people call 1 cop out of those 3 will actually show up in time.

shrpshtr325 03-29-2007 01:16 AM

yea ive got a story, not me personally, and not some asshole, but as my dad was getting onto interstate 287 recently he spun around and smashed into the gaurdrail, smashing out his front drivers-side headlight, and scratching the bumper, only damage was a 200+ dollar headlight and he was facing traffic when he hit the gaurdrail, amazing how the big things can cause relatively small amounts of damage, and the small things can cost a fortune right??

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