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Thomas j 01-16-2009 12:40 AM

just for grins
just for grins, what is the fuel pressure I should have when the car is cold? Oh, and don't look it up, I want to see how smart you think you are. Anyone else wanna start crap? I'm just here trying to get some Good advice, not to argue. And by the way, my dad is an a-hole because he wanted my mom to have an abortion when she was pregnant with me and she didn't and he didn't want another kid! You wanna talk **** about that and we'll have a scrap on our hands!! I just want to meet some other car enthusiasts, and get some advice, and someone to listen when I said I have already checked something and doesn't keep telling me to check these things over and over. Is that to much to ask? Damn!

mcfisher1980 01-16-2009 12:58 AM

its not going to make a difference weather its cold or hot. fuel pressure at the injectors should be around 58 psi. give or take a few psi

darthroush 01-16-2009 02:09 AM

Originally Posted by Thomas j (Post 1513539)
So if you want to try to make me look like a dumb ass, we'll see who is stupid, ok?! When was the first fuel injected chevy small block introduced and in what car? What manufacturer used to be called "Desoto"? And how could a car run without a temp sensor telling the computer what the freaking temp of the engine is? your an idiot!

First off, it's a Chevy. Who cares? Apparently they don't...

There wasn't a manufacturer who "used to be" called DeSoto, it was a brand of cars Chrysler produced about 3 years after Chrysler was formed since they had not acquired Dodge yet.

Easy, unplug it and drive. You keep asking...

Did I make you look like a dumb ass?

just for grins, what is the fuel pressure I should have when the car is cold? Oh, and don't look it up, I want to see how smart you think you are
I'm sure you knew it without looking it up...

You want help, and yet you continue not to contribute any useful information to your own thread. You keep saying everything is fine that has been suggested. Saying it isn't this or that or it is "fine" over and over and posting Chevy trivia questions isn't going to help anyone help you solve your problem.

There are many posts between your last and this one asking questions to try and help you, yet you didn't answer any of them and proceeded to try and have a trivia contest for some reason...

j_son600 01-16-2009 02:35 AM

Thomas, people are trying to give you advice/things to look for. Getting mad at people for trying to help will only make them not want to help, this forum is very helpful but you have to take peoples suggestions and find the problem from there yourself. Good luck and hope you get it fixed.

Thomas j 01-17-2009 12:09 AM

My apologies
I apologize for my rude behavior guys. It was pretty stupid of me to ask stupid questions. I do appreciate your input, and again I'm sorry. I checked the fuel pressure when I first got the car and it was something like 55 lbs, and like I said, it has a new battery, plugs, wires, coil pack, and starter. Im not getting any engine codes either. Has anyone had problems with new coils, wires, or plugs(NGK's)? I know if there were problems with these parts I would get some kind of engine code, that is what has me so stumped. Maybe I got a bad part or parts. And I can't afford to have a shop look at it right now. And some reasoning about my behavior, I have been going through some personal, and family issues and I guess I took it out on you guys which was uncalled for. I no that no excuse is a good excuse for behavior like this, but I hope you all will forgive my immaturity and continue to try and help me out, I would truly appreciate it. On a positive note, my wife and I got approved for a home loan to buy our first house, I'm pretty stoked!

darthroush 01-17-2009 01:06 AM

Sounds like fuel pressure is good. I'd think the battery is fine since it starts (Edit: how many CCA's is it though? Factory calls for at least 450CCAs). Plugs should be fine as long as they are gapped correctly. You can have a new coil or new wires not work correctly. What brand are each of them? Usually the CEL only comes on for major problems that affect emissions because that is SOOO important these days, lol. I have 4 codes in mine for the transmission but no light. There may be codes, won't know until you check. :) Got your PM as well, thanks! ;)

j_son600 01-17-2009 02:59 AM

Congrats on the home loan!! its a big step. If you have spark have you checked your injectors? Possibly got some bad gas or some other contaminates in the fuel and clogged the injectors, just a thought. As others have said if you have compression, fuel and spark something is going to go boom. Just a guess but may be something to check, also if you have access to another computer might try that.

darthroush 01-17-2009 08:06 PM

The only thing is though, I'd think if the injectors were clogged, he wouldn't have the correct fuel pressure?

j_son600 01-17-2009 11:13 PM

Isn't the fuel pressure read before the injectors? Even if the injectors were not opening at all there would still be pressure? Only other thing I can think of is computer, heck try heating the computer with a blow dryer before starting when its cold and see if it helps. Sounds crazy but may work?

Thomas j 01-17-2009 11:57 PM

Hey, thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunatley I wasn't able to check these things today because I was looking at houses, but I will go over these things first thing tomorrow. Also, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the head and of course the head gasket were changed (new head) about two weaks before I purchased the car. I didn't know if maybe something was done wrong and could cause this problem? Thanks for all the good input, I truly appreciate it! I'll let you guys know tomorrow when I go over things again if I find anything.:cool:

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