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Imsinin 02-09-2006 07:58 AM

Nightmare...PLEASE read!
Hey everyone, I am going through somewhat of a nightmare with my 05 Magnum and could really use some advice on this. I took my car to a local shop to have the top of the line viper 2 way alarm alarm installed. While there I also had my friend (one of the installers I know well) help me pick out my vinyl for my box and rear cargo area. I go to pick up the car and they explain to me that the alarm works great BUT the installer (not my friend) can no longer get the rear hatch to open? They told me to take the car to the dodge dealer up the road and that it would be fixed free of charge on their account since it worked earlier that day and did not work now. They also explained that they checked all fuses, relays, etc and could not locate the problem.

I took the car to the dealer on Monday, it is now Thursday, and I still have no car. The dealer had no clue what the problem was but finally after calling in a specialist form dodge/Chrysler with detailed wiring schematics they determined that it was a damaged cluster. It was explained to me that there was power to the wires going into my instrument cluster but dead wires coming out and into various features in the car. They also said that the stereo shop stated that they would not fix it as agreed due to the $1,300.00 repair cost.

Now here is where it gets fun....They had the installer come to the dealer and show them EXACTLY how he did every step of the install, this is how they located the problem. The installer then came up with a great story of finding a penny in the cig lighter and that he suspected this caused a short in the cluster! Now I do not use my ashtray or my lighter in my car, so if there was a penny there it was not from me. Not to mention the car was fine until the alarm install. So the owner of the shop tells me it must have just been bad timing that the penny caused the problem at their shop. while they had the car. SO the dealer tells me unless I want to pay for the repairs, I need to come get my car tomorrow and live with it. BEST PART OF THE STORY>>>>>> I ask about the warranty...their service manager says that he was told by Dodge that since my starter wires, cluster wiring and other factory electrical wires had be either cut and spliced or "tampered" with that my electrical warranty is now void!!!! WTF? How can the dealer tell me that the warranty is void because of something a specialty shop did and supposedly did so well that the damages are not their fault? They now tell me that I could have permanent damage to my electrical system and if it is not fixed, I could have VERY serious and costly issues due to this.

Issue one: My car worked fine that day and did not when I got it back.

Two: They admitted they did it and then changed their mind.

Three: They voided my warranty with their work?? Even though it was done correctly according to them?

Four: I still have no vehicle because of them.

Five: the problem was in the exact location they worked on the wiring, and that I have never been.

What the heck do I do?? The dealer will not work with me, the shop owner said it's not his problem, I have no warranty? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am in a real mess.

Thanks for listening to me rant.

deranged 02-09-2006 09:05 AM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
Tell the shop owner you are about to report him to the Better Business Bureau and see what he says. If you are not then satisfied with his response by all means report him! You can find the number in the phone book. This puts his place of business on the "bad list". If he's heard of it before which I suspect he may have if he has more customers like you then you will have gotten his attention quickly. If he hasn't heard of the list and says "so what" , then you should take him to small claims court to recoup your losses after reporting him. It sounds like a pretty cut and dry case to me. Your vehicle had all it's normal functions before the install and after it did not. I think a judge will get to the bottom of his wallet very quickly!;)

Grand Patron 02-09-2006 10:35 AM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
I agree, you may have to take him to small claims court. To recoup any money.
You don't need a lawyer, just the facts.
Good luck.

2005 Magnum R/T Hemi 02-09-2006 07:24 PM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
Bummer, dude...

Issue #1) Even though mods are cool and sometimes 'necessary', they do Void the factory warranty. Wait to mod the car until after the warranty expires...

Issue #2) Yes, it is their fault, especially if you paid for the installation. Like Grand Patron said, take them to small claims court to get your $5,000

Issue #3) If it was done correctly, we wouldn't be doing this, right? They fu*#ed up. I have read an earlier thread of a guy dropping a Nickle nito the Cigarette Lighter before, but no massive problems like you are detailing... So even if a penny were to drop in there, it wouldn't have done that... Are there visible arc marks on the penny and the Cigarette Lighter?

Issue #4) Part of the $5,000 would be a Rental Car. And I am suprised that the shop is giving you a hard time. This is what insurance is for...

Issue #5) The car was fine when brought in, busted when it came out. Period. Let the shop owner know that he will fix the car, or be the one who buys you a brand new RT... Their General Liability Insurance is more than enough to cover a New RT, I'm pretty sure... Most places have a Million Dollar Umbrella policy...


Imsinin 02-09-2006 07:52 PM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am going to talk to them again right now and see if we can make it right. I will keep ya posted as it goes.

I will be crossing my fingers!

stantheman 02-10-2006 02:02 AM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
i smell law suit. there is no way they shouldnt pay for that. he just doesnt want to admit that his installer is an idiot and screwed it up. i would let every one know, even if you have a local tv station i would tell them and see if they will do a spot on ya. that'll wake his ass up and let him know how serious you are. seen it done before!

Imsinin 02-11-2006 01:12 AM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
Well, off to small claims court we go. Does not seem that it is going to get resolved any other way.

Thanks for all the input everyone, I will post when I have an outcome.

snide 02-11-2006 03:02 PM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
That sucks. Hope you get it all resolved soon.

strippedhemi 02-11-2006 06:31 PM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
This is one reason not to do any aftermarket stuff that the dealer dont install while its in warranty. Cars have gotten so hi tech now, that even changing a lite bulb from non OEM type can cause problems. I installed a large 20 inch screen TV and DVD player in mine, but it all runs on its own battery that is not connected to anything in the car, its a deep cycle and I just charge it up once a week. Only electrical items I use are radar, cell phone, GPS unit and they all plug into the lighter.

On your problem, Id be sueing the installer for all damage that the dealer says they caused. They dont have a thing to stand on if the dealer states all the problems are due to what they did. Id also sue for the rental car fees while yours is being fixed. With a decent lawyer, their screwed.

LakeErieFish 02-12-2006 02:44 AM

RE: Nightmare...PLEASE read!
I have had my share of run-in's with the dealer as well, especially with my wifes olds alero.
Just remember, those warranties are in place to protect YOU the consumer, as well as Dodge to build consumer confidence in their product.
You can imagine the hundreds if not thousands of "weekend rookies" who blindly use wire-cutters to install after market electronics. Only to have the dealer stuck replacing parts that may or not be related.

If you really need some aftermarket devices installed, then get the installer to back them up with a installation warranty.
Play it safe, don't give Dodge any loop-holes to squeeze though with your car's warranty. Wait till the warranty expires...

Good Luck...

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