3.9 timeing chain gears dot alignment question ??
3.9 timeing chain gears dot alignment question ??
Whats the right way ?? Haynes manual says to bring cyl # 1 up to tdc on the compression stroke and the dist rotor will be pointing at # 1 tower on the cap to align the dots at 6:00 on the cam gear and 12:00 on the crank gear and that this is the way it must be replaced at ,,,,, welll ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when i do this the crank gear dot is at 12:00 but the cam gear dot is at 12:00 also ,,, when i turn the engine over to align both dots to face each other #4 cyl comes up on it`s compression stroke and the dist rotor points at # 4 tower on the cap ,,,, so question is ,,, what way is the right way to replace the timeing chain & gears ??? are both ways right or is one way preferred over the other ???