K&N CAI Installed
K&N CAI Installed
Sorry Pappy 5 minutes after I sent you the PM stating Monday my daughter came up with a huge box that could only be one thing. I'll skip the narration and answer questions when asked.
RE: K&N CAI Installed
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RE: K&N CAI Installed
The kit was really easy to install. The instructions included step by step pics along the way. I will admit being a little intimidated by the instruction because they included like 30 some odd steps however each step was only one thing to do rather than 4 different things to do within each step like I am used to. As far as I can see the only thing I am not thrilled about is where the hose goes through the cold air box. There is a space of about 1" at the top for hot engine air to enter. I am planning on adding a gasket, similar to the gasket that seals off around the hood, in the near future.
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RE: K&N CAI Installed
Yes, my radiator was full of parts and tools so this one didn't fit. I forgot to add one more thing, it said in the instructions that I needed a 7/8" drill bit. WHERE? I searched the instructions thoroughly for where I needed to drill anything and didn't find anything. For those of you who don't know a 7/8" drill bit is not a common size you'd buy in a set. It's a bit you'd buy one at a time. My largest drill bit was a 1/2" so I figured since I didn't see the hole that needed to be drilled I would jump off that bridge when I got to it.
RE: K&N CAI Installed
The hemi cover is actually part of the air intake system. It has a 90 degree turn built into it for the air to enter the engine. The 4th pic I posted shows the intake hole in the Hemi cover. The 6th pic shows where the Hemi cover intake meets the engine. I suppose if you wanted you could get creative with a dremel and cut out all of the air intake and surrounding areas so that this could fit over the CIA. One down side is that themid support of the CAI isbolted in where the orioginal cover was secured.