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you decide..theory or fact...

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Old 01-16-2008, 03:32 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

Google the "Grace Commission Report" and study it. You'll see that the FedGov itself, in the mid-80s, admitted that 100% of all income taxes collected go straight to paying the debt, which at this point can never be repaid. Not a nickel of taxpayer revenues go to pay for any of the services that people think they do.

I'm not in favour of any tax on income—flat or progressive or otherwise—so long as we have unconstitutional programs in place. That includes the Dept of Education, Dept of Homeland Security, welfare, foreign aid, etc etc. The vast, overwhelming majority of FedGov programs are entirely, utterly unconstitutional and should be abandoned. Not retooled, tweaked or reduced, but abandoned. The rest that remains can easily be funded with tariffs and excise taxes, precisely as the Founders intended.

Anyone interested, please PM me and I will send a copy of America: Freedom to Fascism on DVD along with other materials, completely free as long as my supplies last.
Old 01-16-2008, 03:45 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...


Kev. . .it is also that you have an agreement with your employer and you tell them I'm worth $xx.xx/hr. then you have to prove it.

Me, I know I'm worth every penny the Gov't pays me. . .
thats nice!!

I live in a RIGHT TO WORK state (thanks to Barry Goldwater)

ANY and ALL employer/ employee contracts MAY BE VOIDED at the will of the employer for NO reason. they are not required to pay unused vaction or anything else in compensation for said loss of job.

now, If you are a member of a union (labor, sports, media, etc) then they usually follow the guidelines set forth in the union mandates.

as a general rule of thumb here, its YOU vs the ILLEGALS vs WHO PAYS the most TODAY.

if the employer LIKES you, is desperate enough to keep you, or simply doesnt care, you are more likely to make a bit more $$ and stay employed longer.
Old 01-16-2008, 05:33 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

Honestly ... and I don't mean to get anyone upset here, but HONESTLY .... Do you think you, me, and everyone else here can do a rats damn bit of good here to change anything? How does anyone screaming at the top of their lungs change anything? Just last week I saw a report on CNN about some poor guy camping out on top of a water tower or something like that just to be heard. Yeah, he got his 2 minutes, however they had to break away because Britany was being taken away on a stretcher.


This guywas camping out in the cold for 4 days on a water tower just trying to be heard, and it aint workin.

It's over - it's done. All we can do is roll with the consequences. I no longer spend a second worrying about who is going to get elected, and I often seriously consider not even voting at all. I think I'm just wasting my time, and opening myself up to just another jury duty notice.

Screw it ...
Old 01-16-2008, 05:49 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

WOW Mayfair!!!

I hear what youre saying man.

due to the self centered guise of this country right now, people would rather see and hear about celeb's being carted off on a gurny instead of facing the truth about life!!!
Old 01-16-2008, 05:52 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

I hear ya, Mayfair, and agree to an extent.

Look, the system we currently have is broken and beyond reform. It is not fixable. Between electronic vote fraud, all the money that circulates behind doors, the Council on Foreign Relations, not to mention the critters who call themselves our "representatives" yet they quite obviously couldn't give a crap what we think... it's completely, utterly beyond reform. Hence my call for State legislatures to stand up and start asserting their powers, and eventually for the people of each State to call for secession.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Go read the Declaration of Independence and tell me we couldn't write virtually the same list of offenses today, right here in 2008. (Seriously, if you've never read it, or haven't read it since high school... go read it, and let those words and what they mean sink in.)

The Founders refused to roll over and submit to tyranny. I refuse to let my great-grandchildren say any differently of me. My friends, blind following of an out of control government's dictates is not patriotism.
Old 01-16-2008, 06:00 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

Mayfair, the absolute number-one thing you can do is refuse to submit any longer. You must say "no more." America is renowned for drawing our line in the sand militarily around the world, but we as a People have forgotten how to do that here, in our own country, with our own lives. Rather than get pissed when a local or federal bureaucrat walks on you and your rights, you must look them in the eye (literally or figuratively) and remind them who serves who. When they come and tell you that you have to do XYZ simply because they say so, you must refuse. When enough commonfolk do that, the government will be forced to once again remember its place and purpose, or else the People will abolish it.

Make no mistake, there will be consequences when you do... but there will be far worse consequences if you don't.

Go read The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf.
Old 01-16-2008, 06:03 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

I'm gonna go backwards and try to live life like a 2nd grader.

When I see "the boy's" eyes light up over the stupidest things and I hear about his day and I listen to what his daily concerns are, it reminds me of just how happy I was back then when I wasn't informed at all. I wascontent in my shell. Until I see or hear of some sort of revolution, I'm just gonna continue coloring with my crayons.
Old 01-16-2008, 06:06 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

I think you're kidding. I hope you're kidding. With all due respect, the reason why we have this problem is because far too many people for far too long have refused to grow up and take responsibility for their own liberty.

You think it's bad now. What kind of country will your son inherit from you? If you don't stand up for yourself and those who are to come after you, who the hell will? If you won't stand up and fight now, while the fighting is easy, I guarandamntee you that you won't stand up and fight when it might cost you your life.

I think you're more of a man than that. I hope and trust all of you are.
Old 01-16-2008, 06:09 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...



I asked people to just concider the idea of the "new " governement in the works.

I did NOT ask for there to be any personal attacks on each other.

Mayfair made his ideology known.

Chouseal has now stated his thoughts as well.

PLEASE do NOT let this thread become a shouting match or a tensioner between all of us here!!!

many people prefer to ignore reality and live in la-la land.

others would rather beat you to an inch of your life with the US CONSTITUTION to make you realize that things need to change for the better.

what ever your side, I applaude you for stickin to your guns.

post here, make your opinions known, but PLEASE DO NOT attack others!!

save that for PM's or CHAT on yahoo , or what have ya!!!

just simply get their phone number and talk it over

thank you for your understanding....

*edited for spelling...still may not be 100%, but it is better
Old 01-16-2008, 06:23 PM
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Default RE: you decide..theory or fact...

Kev, I hear ya bro.

For the record, none of the above was mean to trash anyone, least of all Mayfair. I've come to respect him as well as most all of you here. I was simply responding to his comments (and affirming him, although in a strange way).

I mean no offense or personal attacks on anyone, ever. If we need to drop this, so be it. This is just a subject I'm terribly passionate about, and I admittedly have trouble discussing it without that passion coming to the surface real quick!

I will be happy to talk over PM, phone, IM, email, or any other medium with anyone who wishes to discuss it further.

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