Dodge Salesman Kidnapped During Test Drive

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The world seems to be losing its mind lately. I don’t know if there’s something in the water, or if chemtrails from airplanes are real, but seriously, something seems to be happening to the people of this great nation. People are straight up going crazy, as this next story proves.

As you can see in the USA Today report below, a few days ago, a Dodge salesman was giving a customer a test drive in a beautiful red Challenger when a confrontation between the two erupted. It became so heated that the customer began beating the salesman, and then proceeded to shove said salesman into the Dodge’s trunk. The suspect then went about continuing the test drive with the salesman in the trunk of the car. At some point, the salesman came to, and pulled the emergency trunk release and jumped out of the moving car.

Unfortunately, the suspect is still at large. But at least the salesman seems to be recovering without any major injuries.

I know we’ve all been to some really terrible auto dealers, and we’ve all probably wanted to punch a salesman at one point, but seriously, kidnapping? That’s taking it a bit too far.

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Via [USA Today]

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