Dodge Viper Dually Totally Exists and Is For Sale

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Viper Dually

You will have to figure out how to get it home from Hong Kong, but if you want this insane Dodge Viper Dually, now is your chance.

We just love the Dodge Viper. It is big, bold, powerful, and about as American as you can get. People race them, people show them, and some people even do crazy builds with them. And just when we thought we saw all the crazy Dodge Viper builds out there, this little beauty pops up for sale. What you are looking at is a Dodge Viper Dually. We are not sure what is more surprising. Is it that this thing actually exists, or that it is currently for sale? Or that it is currently about 8,000 miles away from the United States in Hong Kong? There are many stunning aspects to this thing.

The car first made a trip around the internet about two years ago. It was spotted in Japan at the time and began to stun Dodge fans around the world. But like most internet sensations, it quickly faded away and was replaced by the next shocking thing. But now it is back. And now it could be yours. This crazy Viper build is listed for sale at J’S Auto HK. No price is listed, but if you ever wanted a Viper with four rear wheels this might be your only change to score one.

What Is It?

Viper Dually

Details on this Dodge Viper Dually are scarce but this is what we know. Underneath all the modifications is a 1996 Viper with about 15,500 miles on the clock. Pretty low for a 26-year-old car. But we have to assume a car like this is not the everyday ride that is used to pickup a gallon of milk at the store. The owner probably has a 6-wheel-drive Ram TRX for those duties. The Viper rides on massive 20-inch wheels that warn onlookers of imminent danger thanks to custom lettering. Each side of the vehicle has been widened by 9 inches. The rear fenders that cover the four rear wheels are so large that they have their own set of lights and reflectors. The huge exhaust stacks coming out of the doors are fake. A functional exhaust remains at the rear.

Captain America


This Viper Dually also pays tribute to the American military thanks to the U.S. Army design motif. If Captain America drove a car, it would likely be this Viper. This Viper screams USA and gives the impression of power. And like Captain America the car is largely fictional and exaggerated. But be that as it may, that doesn’t mean it is not entertaining.

Should You Buy It?

For Sale

So, should you actually buy this Dodge Viper Dually? Well, that depends. Are you awesome? Because if you are then this is the car for you. Seriously, what a riot this thing must be to drive around. It is not going to set any lap records or win at the drag strip. But it will clear out every single parking lot you ever go to. And you will likely never see another one. Don’t let this chance pass you by.

Images: J’s Auto HK

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Joe has been obsessed with cars since he got his very first Matchbox toy in the 1970s. In 2003, he found a new obsession in track days that led to obtaining his SCCA competition license in 2015. In 2019, he became a certified driving instructor for the National Auto Sport Association. His love for all things four wheels has never wavered, whether it's driving some of the best cars in the world on the racetrack, tackling 2,000-mile road trips in 2-seat sports cars or being winched off the side of a mountaintop in a Jeep. Writing for the suite of Internet Brands Auto Communities sites, including, Ford Truck Enthusiasts, 6 Speed and more allows him to share that knowledge and passion with others.

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