Superchip. worth it?
if it was not advertised as VIN locked, then you've been sold an item that was "not as described". you need to contact the seller, and insist on a full refund including shipping. return shipping is your responsibility. if they don't refund your money including shipping, open a "case" against them in ebay. you WILL win, provided you follow the procedure, return the item, and get a TRACKING number on the return shipment.
if you knew it was vin locked, then its your problem, and actually - $140 is a pretty good price. i paid about $230 for my 3815 and I like it. the truck is much more drivable, shifts to TC and OD at better places, and it corrects my speedometer.
if you knew it was vin locked, then its your problem, and actually - $140 is a pretty good price. i paid about $230 for my 3815 and I like it. the truck is much more drivable, shifts to TC and OD at better places, and it corrects my speedometer.
+1 for what dhvaughan stated. The seller is always considered guilty until proven innocent on eBay/PayPal. If he screwed you over, use that system, its designed to work for you, the buyer.
If he said "vin locked" anywhere in the description... and I am assuming he did if it only went for $40... its worth the extra $100 to get it unlocked. Contact Superchips, they will tell you your options.
If he said "vin locked" anywhere in the description... and I am assuming he did if it only went for $40... its worth the extra $100 to get it unlocked. Contact Superchips, they will tell you your options.
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Is it worth the power increase? No. I didn't notice jack when it came to power increase. It is worth paying the $100 for the diagnostic capablities though. I also like how my tranny doesn't shift into OD until 50mph versus 40mph. It makes climbing hills and merging onto the highway a lot easier.
Is it worth the power increase? No. I didn't notice jack when it came to power increase. It is worth paying the $100 for the diagnostic capablities though. I also like how my tranny doesn't shift into OD until 50mph versus 40mph. It makes climbing hills and merging onto the highway a lot easier.