97 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 with 46RE Transmission Issue
97 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 with 46RE Transmission Issue
Truck had a fully loaded bed; after travelling 20 miles, I noticed that the transmission just stopped engaging. I coasted to a stop, worked an 8 hour shift, and tried to drive it home. I was able to get 10 miles before going up a hill caused me to glide to a stop again. Letting it sit for 20 minutes, I got it to go into gear, and travel about 1/2 mile. Then I had to have it towed home. I changed the filter, and two 'servos' that came with the filter kit. When I put it in drive, I could hear it and feel it engage, but wouldn't go in either direction. So, it sat last winter and summer. A couple of days ago, I unloaded the bed to take the weight out, started it up, and was able to drive it away for about 500 feet before I could feel it starting to slow. I adjusted the bands according to the book. It seems like something simple should fix this, since it occassionally works. Any help would be appreciated! Thansk!