slush mats??
slush mats??
I'm new and so I didn't get yelled at I did a search for slush mats. I could not find the answer to my question so here goes. Well I was looking to go with the HUSKY slush mats and see several of you have already. My question is - On the passenger side of my 4x4 the transmission hump sticks out in a curve, do the Husky's have a contour to fit around and up tight against the hump? I've found some local but they are straight and leave a space. I have a 05/ 4x4/ Reg, cab and was hoping to find one's that fit.. The guy at the dealership said his set was $85.00 and they were just Husky's with the Dodge logo. He said Husky's do fit proper but could not tell me where to get them. Could anyone point me in the right direction?