If fuel pressure is good, 49 psi, then I wold suspect a faulty leaking injector, if it is indeed flooding. Any chance you messed with the fuel sync?
Edit: also when it is acting up are you making sure you haave spark? I had a similar issue and turned out that mt coil was firing intermittenly. Faulty wiring in the asd wiring.
Edit: also when it is acting up are you making sure you haave spark? I had a similar issue and turned out that mt coil was firing intermittenly. Faulty wiring in the asd wiring.
thanks. well pcm is fine(had it tested)... So now i am really stumped.. any chance an air bubble in my cooling system could cause this? sayyy if it was at the location of my ECT sensor? could a bad head gasket cause this?(not that i have one.. just curious), what about adding coolant stop leak to my coolant?(yes i did this as it was an emergency to get me home...).
thanks. well pcm is fine(had it tested)... So now i am really stumped.. any chance an air bubble in my cooling system could cause this? sayyy if it was at the location of my ECT sensor? could a bad head gasket cause this?(not that i have one.. just curious), what about adding coolant stop leak to my coolant?(yes i did this as it was an emergency to get me home...).
What would be nice is if you could do some data logging... and see what all was going on.
threw a known good pcm in and still a no go.. so now i am going to be testing sensors at the pcm via the wires going in(find warms for ect sensor at the pcm and test those..etc) figure next is pull my plenum and do it and do heads at the same time. i am totally out of options.. i am going to leave it in a heated shop tmrw night at about 85 degrees and see if it starts hard in the am(to see if its temp or time related..)