Overheating slightly at idle
That machine is very bad for trannies! It forces the fluid through putting pressures on things that weren't meant to take. Not to mention pushing any crud into the little valves and ports in the tranny. Purge it only that is the proper way, besides I have heard to many horror stories about Jiffy Lube. Wow just read you guys are talking about coolant flushes, . Any ways remember coolant flushes can expose weak spots in your radiator and heater core also.
Last edited by adukart; 04-27-2012 at 03:20 PM.
Oh jiffy lube. I had a buddy that got a coolant flush there and they put the wrong coolant in and caused his upper and lower hose to slightly leak. Luckily we flushed it out ourselves later, reattached the upper hose, and replaced the lower hose and clamps. It may be good for some vehicles, but it can cause problems in others.
Just take the truck to Compton and give a thug $100 bucks to blow it up. It will be cheaper and you will still get the insurance money for it!
I wouldn't pull my truck into a Jiffy Lube if you PAID me for it! (Well I guess it would intel on how much you gave me at the time, but that's beyond the point!)
Those losers couldn't fix a wiper blade! Instead they would tell you that the OEM equipment is wrong and set you up with something out of their computers.....Bunch of dumb asses.......IMHO!