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Old 03-02-2012, 09:40 AM
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The government is owned by the multi-nationals. Has been for a while now. The folks with the money decides who runs for office, and who gets elected. Citizens United was the final nail in the coffin for "the people". They give us the illusion that we have some control over the government with our vote, when in reality, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Look at all the questions that came up about voting irregularity on BOTH of bushes presidential elections. Do you think the system is honest?

We may change which party is in control of the various branches of government, but, POLICY remains the same. There is effectively NO difference between them when it comes to foreign, or economic policy. So long as "corporations are people too" is the rule of the day, the voters will be the ones getting bent over the bar for the governments excesses. Nothing will change, we will continue on in our blind squirrel groping for a peanut way, until our government spends us into economic oblivion. Or gets us buried in yet another war. Or both.

War with Iran is coming. The military-industrial contractors want it. HUGE profits to be had there.
Old 03-02-2012, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by UnregisteredUser
Yes indeed we did, and lacking state sponsorship a terrorist act is a criminal act and not an act of war. If there was anything even close to state sponsorship of 9/11, it was neither Afghanistan nor Iraq -- Iraq had as much to do with it as the Denver Broncos did.

BFD about there being no more major terrorist attacks since. There weren't any before, either. The closest thing we had was the 1993 WTC bombing that the FBI chose not to prevent.

Ever heard of Operation Northwoods? If not, the brief synopsis is that the Pentagon planned in 1962 to commit terrorist acts against the United States and blame them on Cuba. The backstory: JFK didn't trust the CIA any more because they had planned to conduct terrorist attacks against the United States and blame it on Cuba, so he moved responsibility for Cuban matters to the Joint Chiefs. The Joint Chiefs turned right around and did the same darn thing, but Kennedy nixed those plans too. 50 years ago.

I can't say that I believe that 9/11 was a false flag operation, but by the same token I can't say that I believe it was not. Those folks in Washington DC and Virginia, they can't be trusted. They've proven over and over again that they do not love us and do not hold us in high regard. There's just no way for us common folk to know the truth, and no reason to trust anyone at all who claims to know it and wish to tell it.

Always happy to oblige!

Slavery and states' rights were to the Civil War what WMD and ties to terrorist organizations are to the GWOT -- the lies told to those who fight and die and more importantly pay for the wars. In a way it was geopolitical, in that at the time there was no strong federal government and for the most part the elite of the North were the true power.

Not too many days in a row go by without me wishing that this were the country my primary school teachers told me it was. No days go by without me wishing that they hadn't told those lies, leaving so many of my fellow countrymen to conduct themselves as though they live in that country that has never existed. Dammit, we're not incapable of handling the truth, and we wouldn't rise up in rebellion if we knew it. We'd just demand that our government conduct itself honorably. That's all. What could be the harm in that? Aside from taking away our willingness to sacrifice our sons and the prosperity of future generations at the altar of other people's greed, that is.

When we talk about 9-11, it is strange to me that we do not talk about "why." Like UU, I hear and read about all the conspiracies, but if one takes the most plausible explanation, that a band of spoiled rich Saudi (not Iraqi) rebels were upset due to the US exploiting their resources for our wealth (or that of corporations at our government expense - corporate welfare), numerous military bases on their soil, and corruption of their culture. Why are we there? Why did we overthrow Iran in the 50's for oil (and they had a democratically elected government at that time). And why do we have military bases all over the world.

How many foreign military bases would we allow on OUR soil?

You cannot morrally look at the effect without consideration of cause. The iliarty industrial complex drives our government, for private gain, at the cost of lives of our children, and our dollars.

And for a WTF moment......I find terrific humor on the political scene where those that wanted US automakers to fail are now saying they supprt the US auto insustry. Recent numbers show that Chysler sales have increased 40%! Don't know how much of that was the loa - and how much of that is doing away with the plenum issue! ....lol..... As a CEO now and a former union rep, I truly appreciate the humor!
Old 03-02-2012, 12:38 PM
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diversion, decoys, red hearings and sacrificial pawns are the hallmarks of this gov't.. maybe most governments.. as odd as it sounds even to my ears, I respect the Russians and the Chinese more than my own government.. they speak clearly and straight forward.. that isn't to say they don't have their own puzzle palace politics and maneuverings, but they at least- on an international diplomatic level- speak clearly and back it up..

any time our 'boys on the hill' apply extreme focus on one agenda/proposal/law, watch the other hand.. like magicians, they rely on 'slight of hand', 'palming', 'misdirection' and 'diversion'.. I said it earlier in long winded response- but the 'game of thrones' is to keep the subjects 'satisfied' (not necessarily happy).. they do this by tossing a bone our way every so often.. they choose where to apply pressure/reward in effort to maintain their position.. they are good at it.. we vote thinking we have some semblance of control.. we don't, but the document says we do..

check out this clip:


there is humor and horror in this clip.. she says "clearly, there is more work to be done".. that is a threat- plain and simple, and, more to the point- it clearly dictates the position they have taken and now their intentions to alter laws to 'make it legal'.. you know, sorta like the current administration has suspended Miranda Rights..


the constitution is no longer a document or even a guide about what is legal and what isn't.. I challenge ANY member here under 40yrs old to answer: "did you receive formal classroom teachings about the constitution?" The answer I've found to be most true is "No".. they (teachers union, curriculum planners) cherry pick what suites them, and disregard what doesn't..

for instance- the good ol' second amendment states "the right to keep and bear arms...." notice the dots before the closing of the quote.. that is all you hear from any source, ESPECIALLY those who quote it in effort to reduce it to something 'they' want to manage.. the remainder of the quote is "... to guard against tyranny of the government".. think about that one a while..

the basis this country was founded on has been undermined and whittled to a shadow of what it was.. the absolute concept of 'freedom' is just that- it's a concept, and a joke in the opinions of lawmakers.. don't believe me? How about you gear heads build a car from scratch- complete- fire it up and drive it down the road.. see if you can register it.. see if you can pass a 'safety' inspection.. see if you don't get fined or even locked up..

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and then I'll shut up:

live as free a life as you can... do what you gotta do... eff the silly shizen.. there is no exit but blackness..
it is a very true statement that "ignorance is bliss"

if you really want to study why the middle east is as jacked up as it is, go back to the 1917 paris peace accords.. in short: arbitrary lines were drawn in the sand (literally) which bordered nations without regard for clan, culture, religion, established monarchy, or any other drastic pre-existing notions.. this was the end of the ottoman empire, and the beginning of unrest that lasts unto right this very second.. as an aside: it was known the wealth of oil, but the significance of it was hugely understated.. it didn't become evident for another 15 years how important that piece of the geographic puzzle was..

the accord empowered governments that shouldn't have existed, and cut deeply into the influence/power of leaders that did matter.. it went to hell from there.. we haven't helped it much..

a matter of fact, we've interfered/mingled/meddled in effort to KEEP the region at unrest for decades so we could profit off of it..

Simply put: so long as Iran/Iraq/SA/ or any of the kingdoms are pre-occupied with overthrowing each other, and there is an outside element (the west) providing false hope that they could be successful, they will continue those attempts, as well as remain profitable for us..

there is a caveat..

this is spooky, theological, and absolutely likely independent of the mysticism: "The Mahdi"..

It is stated in religious text that the 'Great Mahdi" will come to lead all of Islam, and that this leader will take over the world.. OBL was attempting this, and had partial success in some circles.. Hussein was attempting it too (and, curiously like the 'highlander' there can be 'only one', knowing this we STILL politically attempted to ally them as if they were fighting a common cause- they weren't, they hated each other).. Both are on documented paper and film laying claim to being 'the mahdi'.. guess who else is attempting this? ahmadinejad... as well as at least (documented) seven other Imam's..

this sounds like hogwash, but it isn't.. in defense of that I will present you with SA's lack of intervention in the OBL situation.. they were afraid that opposing this dude would cause all out revolt.. they believed one thing, yet hedged against it.. they played both sides.. Meanwhile, Hussein fought against OBL's reign.. as did that iranian goober.. they wanted it for themselves.. they still do.. according to the religious myth of the 'Mahdi', which all Muslims believe, there is no way to counter that it WILL happen.. they want to be on the right side when it does happen..

if you can kin that concept, much of the confusion in the middle east clarifies.. if you don't believe that such efforts/hate/war/unrest can be derived from such a concept, just think about what we do for 'freedom', or how much your average Christian American hates Islam without ANY understanding of it..

Also, add to that the element that makes it effective: the lie is perpetuated by our leaders (who, for some ridiculous reason we trust) so therefore it MUST be true.. we are willing to take up arms against nations and people and ply the role as pawn in the 'game of thrones'.. they have to enlist us somehow, so they set the battle cry in as simple a language as possible- so people believe it.. we want to believe something simple because we can wrap our brain around it.. it's not simple.. it's so complex that NOBODY can make an informed decision and believe it to be 100% accurate.. it's just like the powers that be want it to be.. checkmate..

live as free a life as you can... do what you gotta do... eff the silly shizen.. there is no exit but blackness..
Old 03-02-2012, 01:49 PM
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VW Golf Engine Removal Made Easy
Old 03-02-2012, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by VWandDodge
VW Golf Engine Removal Made Easy
Well... that's one way to do it I suppose.... makes putting it back in a pain though...
Old 03-02-2012, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by drewactual
the constitution is no longer a document or even a guide about what is legal and what isn't.. I challenge ANY member here under 40yrs old to answer: "did you receive formal classroom teachings about the constitution?"
Well shucks, I'm disqualified. Ageism, eh? Bastage.

Originally Posted by drewactual
for instance- the good ol' second amendment states
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Originally Posted by drewactual
"the right to keep and bear arms...." notice the dots before the closing of the quote..
The ellipsis isn't in my copy!

The thing that I think bears keeping in mind is that in every organization of people in which there is a hierarchy of power there will be always those who seek the most powerful position(s) for personal gain. It's the nature of hierarchical institutions: There is power so there are those who seek power, and among those who seek power are those who will employ deception, coercion, and collusion to get it. Common good be damned; it's lonely at the top but you eat better.

Therein lies the rub: You eat better. Basic human nature, infinitely understandable in the context of the basic needs. The rewards are better food, water, shelter, and clothing. More attractive mates, and more of them. Greater esteem within the community. And so on.
Old 03-02-2012, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by UnregisteredUser
Well shucks, I'm disqualified. Ageism, eh? Bastage.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The ellipsis isn't in my copy!

The thing that I think bears keeping in mind is that in every organization of people in which there is a hierarchy of power there will be always those who seek the most powerful position(s) for personal gain. It's the nature of hierarchical institutions: There is power so there are those who seek power, and among those who seek power are those who will employ deception, coercion, and collusion to get it. Common good be damned; it's lonely at the top but you eat better.

Therein lies the rub: You eat better. Basic human nature, infinitely understandable in the context of the basic needs. The rewards are better food, water, shelter, and clothing. More attractive mates, and more of them. Greater esteem within the community. And so on.
Good point, but, what happens when ALL of them resort to those methods? Which is what we have going on now? I would probably fall over dead from a heart attack if I ever actually met that mythical beast, the honest politician.
Old 03-02-2012, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by HeyYou
Good point, but, what happens when ALL of them resort to those methods? Which is what we have going on now?
Seems you just answered your own question, don'tcha think?

Every hierarchical power structure will be exploited by those who seek to personally gain by it. Democracy as we're doing it will fail.

That's where those crazy French mufkers have got it right. They've flattened their power structures. They go out on solidarity strikes every time the system tries to act with power the people have not given it. In the US, solidarity strikes are criminal acts. If you try to act with power the system has not given you, it's you who gets flattened.

So democracy is not necessarily doomed. It's democracy as we're doing it today that's doomed.
Old 03-02-2012, 09:46 PM
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this thread seems to have lost its way.
lets regroup here...

Old 03-02-2012, 10:00 PM
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^^^^^^That is FANTASTIC! Thank you very much!^^^^^^

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